Víte, že .....


Inconsistency is a frontrunner in the managerial black book of sins.
A wise man once said: "The only thing in which we, humans are really consistent is our inconsistency." This point introduces a potentially real problem for managers. If they announce a change, assign a task, agree on anything ... and then forget to enquire about the implementation in reality, they will simply get no positive results.



East Bohemia Office
The new BNFC office in Hradec Kralove open.
BNFC office for the East Czech Region is open since 2.5.2011.
Manager of the office is Ing. Jiří Pospíšil. Mr. Pospíšil is experienced, qualified, senior manager with more than 20 years practice.  

ISO 9001:2008
Bénéficielle,Ltd obtained the quality cerificate according ISO 9001:2008 Standard for the following scope: PROCESS MANAGEMENT and HR MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, PERSONAL PLACEMENT SERVICES.

In the region of North Bohemia, we have started an analysis of the initial state for the project Efficiency Increase of Processes and Human Resources Management in the Ústi nad Labem Public Transit Company.

A Challenge for the Region 
BNFC took the initiative of A Challenge for the Region as a marketing opportunity in Čelákovice and the surrounding area.

New office in Čelákovice
Bénéficielle, Ltd. opened a new office in Čelákovice in July 2010.

Effective HR management personal consultant
Effective HR management personal consultant
On 15 July 2010 the BNFC-HR working group commenced a nationwide sales campaign for the service "Personal consultant in the human resources area."


Interconnection of the NAVERTICA a.s. project


Did you know...?

Did you know that:

 “Because I said so!” is a frontrunner in the managerial black book of sins.
When a person inclines to the “Just because!” type of arrogance, then they have lost. The manager, his staff and the company they are supposed to work for have all lost. There is no time, willingness; all arguments have run out ... all that is left are a lot of excuses. The only result of such a behaviour is low spirit, passivity, bad quality and looking for new jobs.

Time management

Brown H. Jackson:
Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Michelangelo, T.A. Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Winston Churchill or Albert Einstein.